Trance for Fun
Trance for Fun
Trance for fun is a special set for spending time with fun and laugh. Every wednesday 22:00 CET time feel free to join me and Trance together me. Kisses MissTrance
Trance for fun is a special set for spending time with fun and laugh. Every wednesday 22:00 CET time feel free to join me and Trance together me. Kisses MissTrance
MissTrance plays her Trance Visions every Monday from 3pm CET time or 6am SLT. Every Monday she tries to excite you with her musical choices. For those who have an account on secondlife you can reach her on Dance Island, for others you can listen to her on the Stream link
MissTrance play every monday her "Vision of Trance" set on Trance Energy Radio. I started my dj for joke. But day by day i just imrpove mysef. Sometimes making very long session. You can image what means for me when i get a message from Trance Energy Energy. I was asked to make a set every 2 months on end…
Every first Friday of month At Orchid Town.3 Hours of Trance with the best selection. Join Me on Second Life